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Dr Paul Stephenson OBE. Civil Rights Campaigner, and leader of the influential Bristol Bus Boycott said:
“This is an impressive piece of writing; part-memoir, part-cultural history and part-political essay. It is an important story told from a personal perspective depicting the achievements and struggles of Black communities uprooted from their African roots and charting their new lives in America, the Caribbean and the UK. It’s a fascinating read that will appeal to a wide audience across Britain and around the globe.”
I loved the infusion of the author’s personal history and thoughts .”
– Mobs, 12 March 2015
“A rare thing in publishing: The personal story of a working class man of Caribbean ancestry, navigating the England of the 80s dealing with racism and the severe economic climate of the Thatcher years ultimately leading to steering Ujima Radio cic , a successful Bristol based community radio station. Griffith moves seamlessly through his own individual journey from multicultural London to a white working class estate in Bristol and then onward to the United States, where he returned repeatedly, to piece to together the story of the fight for civil rights of African Americans and what that struggle has meant for him and his own odyssey. The book weaves travelogue, social commentary , history and politics in a fluid informed and accessible manner. It is highly recommended. I’ll be awaiting a volume 2.”
“Could not put it down as soon as I started reading. I loved the infusion of the author’s personal stories/life and thoughts with Black history. I also enjoyed the intertwining of stories and cultures from Africa, the Caribbean, the USA and the UK. A great history book with excellent storytelling as well. Well recommended!”
“Insightful read”
“The mix of personal stories and cultural insights makes for a very engaging read. Clearly a huge amount of research has gone into documenting the British and American Black history but it is the author’s reflection that gives this book the edge. I echo the sentiments of the previous 5 star reviewers who’ve said it all!” – Polly B, 31 March 2015
“Engaging, Inspiring and Informed – a must read.”